Carbon neutral… and how we help

The CarbonNeutral Protocol was created and is managed by Climate Impact Partners and aims to provide a clear set of guidelines for businesses to achieve carbon neutrality.

Climate Impact Partners works with Purato to deliver a project called Improved Water Infrastructure.

This Gold Standard project, based primarily in Uganda, Malawi, Rwanda and Eritrea provides clean drinking water to small rural communities by repairing and drilling new boreholes, which can be used as water wells by installing a vertical pipe casing and well screen, which allows water to be extracted from the ground, even during dry seasons.

 By providing clean water, communities no longer need to purify water through boiling. This alleviates pressure on local forests – the predominant source of firewood – and reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Go Green to the Extreme with Purato!

From 2016 to 2022
Purato offset
the equivalent of
4,220 tons of CO2

That’s equal to: